Products at Discounted Rates
Every time you shop from Retailio, you can avail exclusive deals and save a lot of money.
We at Retailio strive to build a bridge between Retailers and Distributors. We have created a seamless workflow in order to maximize your profits.
We at Retailio believe, using technology and innovation, medicines, as well as all pharma products, can be made accessible to all Retailers in lesser time and lesser rates!
Every time you shop from Retailio, you can avail exclusive deals and save a lot of money.
Save your trips to the bank by carrying out online transactions directly through your bank account.
Our specialized system would even help you find the substitute for the product you search for.
We appreciate our loyal Retailers and come up with special contests and rewards for them.
Earn virtual money in your RioWallet by winning contests and pay your in-app bills through them!
Every solution to your needs will be right at your fingertips. Our team is right here, to guide you with 24/7 assistance.
Retailio ensures medicine availability, it allows retailers to order pharmaceutical products anytime and anywhere. Our user-friendly website and app would help you to easily order products from Retailio.
Signup using your mobile number.
Tell us about your store.
Upload your drug lisence.